Lisboa Oriente: Visit Parque das Nações

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Lisboa Oriente, as this region of Lisbon on one of the banks of the Tejo River is known, consists of a quiet area, with several places to be visited and easily accessible, therefore deserving to be highlighted as a destination where to spend a day discovering. Here we highlight the well-known Parque das Nações and Oceanário de Lisboa, but there is much more to discover.

Estação do Oriente

Known as Gare do Oriente, this is one of the main stations in Lisbon, having been built during Expo 98.

Atualmente, esta estação é principalmente conhecida pela sua estrutura, toda construída em metal, complementada por vidro. Estes materiais levam a que a estação tenha, assim, um aspeto moderno e elegante. A estação tem ainda ligação direta ao Centro Comercial Vasco da Gama, com mais de 50 mil metros quadrados e cerca de 170 lojas.

Parque das Nações e Lince Ibérico

Lisboa Oriente 1

Parque das Nações consists of a vast space, in a 5km strip along the Tejo, which includes several sites, presented below.

However, when one thinks of Parque das Nações, two images always come to mind: the flags raised and the Iberian Lynx.

The flags, a total of 162, are in the so-called Rossio dos Olivais, where a flag is displayed for each of the countries that participated in Expo 98.

The Lynx, placed in front of the flags, is an artistic installation by Bordalo II, and, as is common with the artist, made entirely of garbage. Thus, this installation ended up becoming one of the most emblematic points of Parque das Nações.

Cable car in Parque das Nações

If you want to have an even better view over the Tejo, we recommend taking the Cable Car at Parque das Nações. This consists of a short trip, starting next to the Lisbon Oceanarium, but which allows you to have a different view.

The full ticket costs 8€ per adult and can be purchased together with a ticket to the Oceanarium, making it cheaper to visit these facilities.

Lisbon Oceanarium

It is also in Parque das Nações that the largest aquarium in the country is located, the Lisbon Oceanarium.

Num total de 7.5 milhões de litros de água salgada (5 milhões só no aquário principal), o Oceanário junta mais de 8000 animais e plantas, sendo, portanto, uma paragem obrigatória para quem visita a região. Podem ficar a saber mais sobre este destino here.

Pavilhão do Conhecimento


Next to the Oceanarium is one of our favorite places: the Knowledge Pavilion.

Despite being more aimed at children, anyone who visits these facilities with an open mind and a desire to learn will, like us and regardless of age, love visiting this space.

The exhibitions are constantly changing but one of its main attractions is part of a permanent exhibition: a bicycle suspended from a rope at a height, which is kept stable by means of a counterweight!

Jardins e Fontes

If there's one thing you can find in every corner of Parque das Nações, it's green spaces!

Some examples are the Alameda dos Oceanos (where there are several volcanic fountains, which accumulate water and then expel it vertically with a lot of pressure), the Water Gardens (one of our favourites, where you can even walk on supports over the water) , the Cabeço das Rolas Garden (the highest elevation in Parque das Nações, 33 meters high), the Jardim das Ondas and the Garcia de Orta Garden, among many others.

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